Rising to the Challenge : Honor of Kings Competitions Celebrating Young and Future Malaysian Talents
Rising to the Challenge : Honor of Kings Competitions Celebrating Young and Future Malaysian Talents

Group photo (Top 3 contenders of Cosplay Competition) from left to right: Ashley Phuah, Chloe Liew Zhi Xin (third place winner), Daphne Chai Jing Ru (grand prize winner), Edison Tang Chee Khean (second place winner) and Reiko Official Cosplayer of Honor of Kings Cosplay Competition.
Claz’room college recently concluded the National Honor of Kings Art and Cosplay Competition, with Level Infinite. The national competition showcased a range of remarkable young creative talents across 35 schools in Malaysia, where participants demonstrated their skills in craftsmanship, creativity, and originality with their Honor of Kings masterpieces.
Here is the list of winner for the Ultimate Cos-Battle Royale: National Honor of Kings Cosplay Competition:

Group photo (Top 3 contenders of Art Competition) from left to right: Wong Jin Min, Mah Yu Xuan (second place winner), Lai Hiew Thong (grand prize winner), David Goh Yi Hen (third place winner) and Ashley Phuah from Level Infinite.
Here is the lists of winners for the Ultimate Art Clash: National Honor of Kings Art Competition:

The award ceremony was a celebration of creativity and talent, with over 80 winners recognized for their exceptional work. The top school award was presented to Yik Ching High School of Perak for their outstanding achievements in the competition.

Group photo: Top School Awards won by Yik Ching High School, Perak led by Teacher Thomas Yap (third from left).