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  /  Intake Enrolment

Please read our Enrolment Terms & Conditions carefully before filling in the application form.

(For course fee only)
5627 6840 2884 &


(For hostel fee only)
5127 6361 4222

Enrolment Form

Name :


Gender :

Phone Number :

Email :

Address :

Nationality :

Race :

Religion :

Do you have any disability, impairment or long term medical condition which may affect your studies?

T Shirt Size :

Referral :

School/Institution Name :

Date Commenced & Completed :

Name of Qualification :

Course Program :

Intakes :

Parents/Guardian Name 1 :

Parents/GuardianNRIC :

Relationship :

Parents/GuardianPhone Number :


Parents/Guardian Name 2 :

Parents/GuardianNRIC :

Relationship :

Parents/GuardianPhone Number :


Applicant NRIC (Front & Back) :

Payment Receipt :

·  Bank Name: Maybank Berhad          


·  Account Number: 5627 6840 2884

Section 6: Terms & Conditions For Enrollment

Students and parents are advised to read carefully and understand fully the terms and conditions before proceeding to the next section of this application form

  1. A student is considered fully enrolled in the program when the payment for Enrolment fee is made.
  2. Please note that Clazroom College reserves the right to review and revise fees annually. The fees indicated in the program fee structure may not be applicable in the subsequent semesters.
  3. Fees due in each semester must be paid in advance before the due date for payment in the subsequent semesters. Failure to pay fees on time may result in penalties. May refer to Student Handbook page 12 for the penalties.
  4. Enrolment and Course fees are NOT refundable except under the circumstances stated below and provided that a written request (accompanied by official supporting documents) for such a refund has been submitted to the Director of College. Refund only applicable due to the call for National Service or medical reasons only.
  5. The refundable of fees or deposits are determined after the deductions made against any fees or payments due and owing to Clazroom College.
  6. In the event that a student is expelled/suspended or discontinues the program due to misconduct, all fees paid are not refundable.
  7. A copy of the Student Handbook will be given out during orientation. Students are expected to read and abide by all rules and regulations of Clazroom College including rules and regulations on the use of facilities.
  8. Clazroom College reserves the right to review and amend the rules and regulations (including policies) at any time.
Section 7: Declaration & Signature


I consent to Clazroom College processing my personal data (including sensitive personal data as defined in the Personal Data Protection Act 2010) for purposes not limited to admission, statistical analysis, compliance to statutory requirements and to be shared from time to time with Clazroom College’s appointed third party agents.

I declare that all information provided by me in this form, including the information given in all other documents provided, is true and accurate. I will
present my original documents to Clazroom College within the stipulated time to sight in ensuring my documents are genuine.

I acknowledge that Clazroom College reserves the right to amend or reverse any decision regarding enrollment that’s made on the basis of incorrect, incomplete, fraudulent information or non-attainment of minimum entry requirements, including pre-requisite results to enroll into a program.
I authorize Clazroom College to verify my academic records from previous institutions or my work experience from past employers, for program entry purposes, if applicable. If tuition fees are paid by an organization or my parents (”Sponsor”), I authorize Clazroom College to release my fees and academic progress information to my parents and the sponsor upon request.

I agree to abide by the statutes, regulation, and policies of Clazroom College at all times


I provide consent to Clazroom College to process my child’s personal data (including sensitive personal data as defined in the Personal Data Protection Act 2010) for purposes such as but not limited to admission, statistical analysis, compliance to statutory requirements and to be shared from time to time with Clazroom College's appointed third party agents. 

I hereby apply for his/her enrollment at Clazroom College and undertake to pay the full fees of this program until complete.

I hereby agree to pay all the fees due on the dates stipulated by Clazroom College, failing which Clazroom College reserves the right to bar my child/ward from attending classes including termination of the study.

If tuition fees are paid by an organization (”Sponsor”), I authorize Clazroom College to release the applicant’s fees and academic progress information to the sponsor upon request.