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For highly committed students to pursue your dreams in the multimedia art industry.

Find out more about the ‘gift aid’. Ready to reach your full potential?

For highly committed students to pursue your dreams in the multimedia art industry.

Find out more about the ‘gift aid’.

Ready to reach your full potential?

Rising Titans Scholarship Program

Claz’room College is delighted to present the Rising Titan Scholarship Program for new student enrollments in 2024. In partnership with our generous industry collaborators, this scholarship is designed to fuel the ambitions of those aiming to make their mark in the multimedia art industry. We’re thrilled to announce a total scholarship fund of RM300,000.00 allocated for the upcoming year.

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Scholarship: Up to RM15,000 per student
Eligibility: Claz’room 2024 Intake Students
Artistic Potential: Applicants are to submit artwork that showcases their talent and potential.
Financial Eligibility: Proof of household income below RM100,000 per annum.
Result of Acceptance: Volunteering in a minimum of 7 college events by Semester 7

Claz’room Top Student Award Scholarship (CTSA)

Qualified students can apply for CTSA which will help reduce the financial burden on the students. There are a few criteria to be fulfilled. Applicants should have a good performance in schoolwork and be active in Claz’room. They should proactively participate in extracurricular activities and display leadership skills.

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Scholarship: Semester 7 fee rebate (approximately RM7,500)
Eligibility: Claz’room Semester 6 students
Required Results: Semester 5 & before
Result of Acceptance: Work as a contracted intern with wages

Rising Titans Scholarship Program

Claz’room College is delighted to present the Rising Titan Scholarship Program for new student enrollments in 2024. In partnership with our generous industry collaborators, this scholarship is designed to fuel the ambitions of those aiming to make their mark in the multimedia art industry. We’re thrilled to announce a total scholarship fund of RM300,000.00 allocated for the upcoming year.

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Scholarship: Up to RM15,000 per student
Eligibility: Claz’room 2024 Intake Students
Artistic Potential: Applicants are to submit artwork that showcases their talent and potential.
Financial Eligibility: Proof of household income below RM100,000 per annum.
Result of Acceptance: Volunteering in a minimum of 7 college events by Semester 7

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Claz’room Top Student Award Scholarship (CTSA)

Qualified students can apply for CTSA which will help reduce the financial burden on the students. There are a few criteria to be fulfilled. Applicants should have a good performance in schoolwork and be active in Claz’room. They should proactively participate in extracurricular activities and display leadership skills.

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Scholarship: Semester 6 fee rebate (approximately RM7,500)
Eligibility: Claz’room Semester 5 students
Required Results: Semester 3 & Semester 4
Result of Acceptance: Work as a contracted intern with wages

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Claz’room Outstanding League (COL)

The Claz’room Outstanding League (COL Awards) is an award programme for students who achieve remarkable results every semester. The students who receive these awards repeatedly will be recognised with the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards along with cash prizes worth RM2,000, RM1,500 and RM1,000 respectively.

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A. Outstanding Achievement Award (OAA)

Every semester, the Outstanding Achievement Award (OAA) will be presented to students with exceptional performances. These students will also receive a certificate attesting to their accomplishments.


  • Students must score a minimum A- in all subjects
  • An excellent Evaluation Day (ED) presentation
  • An active member of any clubs/societies
  • Only applicable to Semester 1-7 students
Awards Criteria Prizes
Gold Awards 5 or more times award winners Trophy + Certificates + RM2000 (3)
Silver Awards 4 times award winners Trophy + Certificates + RM1500 (4)
Bronze Awards 3 times award winners Trophy + Certificates + RM1000 (5/6)

Students who receive these awards up to five times will be honoured with Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards, as well as cash prizes of RM2,000, RM1,500, and RM1,000, respectively.

B. Best Improvement Awards (BIA)

Every semester, the Best Improvement Awards (BIA) will be presented to the students who have improved their grades the most. These students will also receive a certificate attesting to their accomplishments.


  • Significant improvement compared to the previous semester
  • Pass all subjects
  • Passable Evaluation Day (ED) presentation
  • Only applicable to Semester 2-7 students

If you have any questions about the scholarship programme or would like more information, please email us at

Claz’room Outstanding League (COL)

The Claz’room Outstanding League (COL Awards) is an award programme for students who achieve remarkable results every semester. The students who receive these awards repeatedly will be recognised with the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards along with cash prizes worth RM2,000, RM1,500 and RM1,000 respectively.

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A. Outstanding Achievement Award (OAA)

Every semester, the Outstanding Achievement Award (OAA) will be presented to students with exceptional performances. These students will also receive a certificate attesting to their accomplishments.


  • Students must score a minimum A- in all subjects
  • An excellent Evaluation Day (ED) presentation
  • An active member of any clubs/societies
  • Only applicable to Semester 1-7 students
Awards Criteria Prizes
Gold Awards 5 or more times award winners Trophy + Certificates + RM2000 (3)
Silver Awards 4 times award winners Trophy + Certificates + RM1500 (4)
Bronze Awards 3 times award winners Trophy + Certificates + RM1000 (5/6)

Students who receive these awards up to five times will be honoured with Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards, as well as cash prizes of RM2,000, RM1,500, and RM1,000, respectively.

B. Best Improvement Awards (BIA)

Every semester, the Best Improvement Awards (BIA) will be presented to the students who have improved their grades the most. These students will also receive a certificate attesting to their accomplishments.


  • Significant improvement compared to the previous semester
  • Pass all subjects
  • Passable Evaluation Day (ED) presentation
  • Only applicable to Semester 2-7 students

If you have any questions about the scholarship programme or would like more information, please email us at