Financial Aids
Donāt worry, we are here to assist you! We understand the journey in pursuing passion is never easy. Hence we are here to make sure nothing is holding you back from reaching your full potential!
Financial Aids
Donāt worry, we are here to assist you! We understand the journey in pursuing passion is never easy. Hence we are here to make sure nothing is holding you back from reaching your full potential!
Instalment Plan
Instalment Plan

Claz’room Instalment PlanĀ
- RM350 admin fee
- Only eligible from Sem 2 onwards
Amount Available: RM6,800 ā RM7,900 (according to semester fee)
Repayment Period: 3 months

Maybank Monthly InstalmentĀ
Requirement: Maybank credit card holder
Amount Available:
- Depends on credit card limit
Repayment Period: 6 months or 12 months

Instalment PlanĀ
- RM350 admin fee
- Only eligible from Sem 2 onwards
Amount Available: RM6,800 ā RM7,900 (according to semester fee)
Repayment Period: 3 months

Monthly InstalmentĀ
Maybank credit card holder
Amount Available:
Depends on credit card limit
Repayment Period:
6 months or 12 months
KWSP/EPF Withdrawal
EPF Withdrawal

KWSP/EPF Employees’ Provident Fund
- SKM registration
- Only available for 3D Animation and 3D Modelling & Game Art
Amount Available:
- Subject to balance in Account 2
- Amount withdrawn each year cannot exceed the total amount of course fee of the current year enrolled
Application: Please refer to the Student Admin Department for documentation for EPF withdrawal application
The information prepared here is for reference only. Withdrawals and/or applications must be done by the applicant personally. Offer letter from the College will be issued upon successful payment of enrolment and course fees.

Employees’ Provident Fund
- SKM registration
- Only available for 3D Animation and 3D Modelling & Game Art
Amount Available:
- Subject to balance in Account 2
- Amount withdrawn each year cannot exceed the total amount of course fee of the current year enrolled
Application: Please refer to the Student Admin Department for documentation for EPF withdrawal application
The information prepared here is for reference only. Withdrawals and/or applications must be done by the applicant personally. Offer letter from the College will be issued upon successful payment of enrolment and course fees.
Alternative Options
Alternative Options

PTPK Education LoanĀ
- Malaysian 15 – 40 y/o with SKM registration
- Must have passed Semester 3
- Only available for 3D Animation and 3D Modelling & Game Art
Amount Available:
- RM21,700 (subject to government allocation)
Repayment Period: 1 – 10 years
- Once per year in January (subject to change by the government)
- Application can start from Semester 3 onwards

Kojadi Education Loan
6.8% ~ 7.8% (new KOJADI member)
5.8% ~ 6.8% (KOJADI member >5 years)
Requirement: Kojadi membership
Amount Available: Full course fee (suggested amount: RM30,000)
Repayment Period: 4 years – 15 years

Education LoanĀ
- Malaysian 15 – 40 y/o with SKM registration
- Must have passed Semester 3
- Only available for 3D Animation and 3D Modelling & Game Art
Amount Available:
- RM21,700 (subject to government allocation)
Repayment Period:
1 – 10 years
- Once per year in January (subject to change by the government)
- Application can start from Semester 3 onwards

Education Loan
6.8%~7.8% (new KOJADI member)
5.8% ~ 6.8% (KOJADI member >5 years)
Kojadi membership
Amount Available:
Full course fee
(Suggested Amount: RM30,000)
Repayment Period:
4 years – 15 years
Remy is happy to assist you!
Contact us now to get more information.

Remy is happy
to assist you!
Contact us now to
get more information.