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Students and parents are advised to read these terms and conditions carefully. By proceeding with the application form, you agree to accept and be bound by the terms and conditions set forth.

  1. All successful applicants are required to attend the Orientation Day. The Student Starter pack will be distributed on Orientation Day – subject to arrangements of the Student Admin Department.
  2. Please note that Claz’room College reserves the right to review and revise our fees annually. The fees indicated in the current programme fee structure may not be applicable in the subsequent semesters.
  3. Fees due in each semester must be paid BEFORE the due date for subsequent semesters. (Date of each semester commencement will be notified by the Student Admin Department via email). Failure to make payment within the stipulated time may result in penalties. Please refer to Student Handbook page 12 for the chargeable penalties.
  4. Enrolment and Course fees paid are NOT refundable except for special medical reasons which must be supported by certified medical documents verified by a doctor.
  5. The course fee deposit is only refundable upon successful completion of the course, and all required final assignments are submitted for evaluation, with no outstanding fee owing to Claz’room College. The deposit will be forfeited if the student withdraws from the course before completion.
  6. All fees paid to Claz’room College will not be refunded in the event that the student is suspended and/or expelled for disciplinary reasons or voluntarily withdraws from the course due to any reason whatsoever.

International Students are further bound by the following conditions:

  1. Claz’room is not accredited for International Student Visa application. Therefore, we will not be able to provide documentation nor assist with the application of Student Visa.
  2. Should you hold an existing valid Visa, we can enrol you into the programme of your choice. However, it is the Student’s responsibility to ensure the Visa remains valid for the duration of the course in order to stay in Malaysia. Claz’room runs fully-physical classes, there is no option for distance learning and/or online classes at the moment.
  3. Claz’room offers programmes with Dual Certification – Advanced Diploma by Warnborough College in the United Kingdom, as well as Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) by Skills Malaysia. However, Skills Malaysia is only applicable to Malaysians. All non-Malaysians who meet the academic criteria will graduate with a single certification – an Advanced Diploma accredited by Warnborough College in the United Kingdom.
  4. In the event that an internship opportunity becomes a challenge for International Students without a valid Visa to work, we will place you in Project-basis roles subject to availability of such opportunities.
  5. Upon successful enrolment, you will be required to submit a copy of your Visa along with a copy of your passport.